Working With or Considering a Risk Adjustment and Quality Analytics Vendor?


How Do you Choose the Right One for Your Organization?

Determine if your current or prospective vendor matches your organization’s needs

With the right healthcare analytics and tech partner, you can get insights to drive quality outcomes, improve efficiency through high-speed data exchange, and streamline decision-making at the point of care. Unfortunately, not all analytics and tech vendors offer solutions that can match the needs of every organization providing healthcare plans. Therefore, it’s crucial to ask critical questions of prospective vendors. The answers you receive will shed light on whether your preferred analytics and tech vendor can fulfill your needs.

Ask the Right Questions

Veradigm Payer Analytics (formerly Pulse8) understands that healthcare plans require a risk adjustment and quality analytics and technology partner that prioritizes a supportive relationship, data accuracy and transparency, supports interoperability goals and provides scalable solutions. That’s why we have compiled a list of eight critical questions you must ask any analytics and tech vendor you are working with or considering hiring.


We’ve Made It Easy for You

Getting precise answers to these questions will help you determine if your current or prospective technology partner can fulfill your organizational data needs.
